Saturday, May 12, 2012



I have observed and learned in life that confidence is connected to success. Self-image, self-worth, self-esteem all tie into confidence—it's key.  We can all agree you don’t have to be the best looking,

best dressed, or best shape to be confident. I believe the term “SWAG” sums it up. It's how you carry and see yourself…it's what you project. You are not born with it, it's built. The foundation has to start within your mind. It's what you repeat to yourself on a daily basis or better yet what is NOT repeated.

To begin to build confidence aka "swag" I would start at being REAL with yourself.

Write down all the negative attributes you THINK you carry. Identify what you may feel you lack confidence in. I would then recommend accepting it for what it is worth because what you resist will persist. Last write the opposite of the negative to a positive and in the present tense. Own the “new” you! If repeated consistently to yourself it will create a shift in your mind and gradually you will walk tall and feel good.

Like the things you want in life, you should have a list of the “picture” perfect you. Qualities, attributes...etc. you intend to become. What is also a BIG plus is surrounding yourself with the right people that holds those qualities.

With Love,