Monday, October 8, 2012

Burning House

burning house Burning House

A couple of years back a dear friend of mine named Mary, told me I needed to read a very special book: "The Disappearance of the Universe" By Gary R. Renard.

She told me this book was like a close version of A Course in Miracles which I had been trying to get through for years. I found miracles in the pages but only after I had dealt with the insuring crises after reading it.

It was a crisis of spirit, if you will, a dark night of the soul. I questioned who I was, what I was doing in my life. That I had spent so much time trying to help myself and others. And if the whole premises of the universe is simply to wake up from the dream, that our reality is really is just a dream, then we really don’t need to heal anything or manifest anything. Because none of it is real.

So as a healer, as crystal therapist, as angel messenger, what am I doing if it is all an illusion? Well this is how I explained it and made sense of myself and my life: We are all at different levels and different understandings and therefore we need to assist ourselves and others, by being a light in the dark.

I wrote this to explain it to myself. And I hope it helps you understand the role that we can play for each other.

Burning house. We are all in a burning house. And most of us are all so asleep we don’t realize this.

Normally when in a house that is burning we say, "GET OUT! Get out now!" But in this burning house people can’t see it’s on fire. They can’t hear the fire alarm. So what do we do?
We need people to man the exit doors and to help move the furniture, to make it easier to get to the exits. To help people to calmly and smoothly exit.

So we need to light the way, by following our own path to awakening by being the best we can be at being ourselves.

We need to stand together to light the way as lighthouse in the dark.

“The world you see is an illusion of a world. God did not create it, for what he creates must be eternal as himself. Yet there is nothing in the world you see that will endure forever.”A Course in Miracles CL 85

In Love and Light,
Jenna Bertrim, Calling In The One Coach

burning house

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